Hosting a cocktail party at home can be a fun and casual way to entertain guests. Careful planning and attention to detail are key to making the night a success. The fir…
Were you aware that well over four million college students graduated in 2020? If you factor in high school graduates as well, then that’s a whole lot of proud parents. …
Easter is a time of year that's filled with joy, happiness, and new beginnings. What better way to celebrate the holiday than by hosting a party? Whether you're planning…
A baptism party is a celebration that happens when someone gets baptized and officially joins the Christian family. It's a really special occasion where we get to welcom…
Are you one of the 70 million people across the world who have Irish ancestry? If so, you probably grew up with all kinds of incredible St. Patrick’s Day traditions. …
Hosting a dinner party for your friends or family members can be a great way to socialize and make memories on a personal level. Dinner parties tend to have smaller gues…
Winter birthday parties can be a challenge to plan. Rather than letting kids run around and play outside for a few hours, you’re often limited to the indoors and have to…
The holidays are an ideal time to get friends and family together to create special, long-lasting memories. While many images of holiday-themed parties involve sipping e…
Wedding season traditionally starts in May and runs through October. Brides, grooms, and planners tend to gravitate toward warmer weather, but weddings in the colder par…
There is no better way to celebrate autumn than by also celebrating the arrival of a new baby with these memorable fall baby shower ideas. The leaves begin to change col…
Were you aware that the most popular birth months are July through October? Babies who are born in October grow up feeling like their birth month is special since the…
After a fun-filled summer, it’s reasonable for many kids to feel anxious about going back to school. Sometimes these negative feelings can be overbearing. It’s worth hos…
Can you believe that September is one of the most common months for birthdays within the United States? No matter when your child's birthday is, turning one year old …
Men have been courting partners in many strange ways throughout history, but nothing is quite as odd as Ancient Romans breaking a loaf of bread over a bride’s head to bo…
Did you know that Tristan da Cunha is one of the most remote places on earth? At 1,750 miles off the coast of South Africa, it’s an extremely difficult landmass to reach…
Whether you’re planning a family gathering or an office Christmas party, there’s a lot of pressure around the holidays to throw an unforgettable celebration. If you w…
Did you know that birthday parties play a big role in children’s development? Although your child may only be excited about the cake and games, parties mean so much more…
Did you know that most people stop celebrating their birthday after they turn 31? In the grand scheme of things, that’s not many birthdays. If people want to stay you…
Did you know that roughly half of Americans wouldn’t want to know the sex of their baby before they’re born? There are plenty of reasons why waiting can be fun. Most …